The Nondating Life

Friday, September 22, 2006

Greetings from Peru!

Okay, so I'm still in Brooklyn as I write this, but Susan and I are heading out to Peru tomorrow. Sample a little roast guinea pig. Check out what all this Machu Pichu foolishness is about. See if maybe I can find that Cornholio dude on the shores of Lake Titicaca (bringing an extra roll of TP just in case).

Enjoy your week sitting in an office and wondering if your life has any purpose.


Friday, September 15, 2006

Accentuate the negative

Susan has some helpful advice for the ladies about falling for guys with accents.

Guys, in general, don't have this problem. Sure, a French accent on a girl might sound cute, but unless she's got a nice pair of boobs, it ain't going to do her any good.

Where women get in trouble with accents, I think, is that--especially in the case of the European accents--there is this mistaken assumption of both intelligence and culture. Remember, ladies, just because a guy speaks with an Italian or British or French accent, doesn't mean he's not dumber than a box of imported rocks. He's probably just as dense as any other guy you meet in a bar, with one exception. After a couple of years in the state, he knows just how stupid American get about European accents. So not only will you have some guy condescending toward you, you'll end up with a guy who's probably 80 IQ points behind you condescending toward you.

And culture? He might not be sitting at home, scratching his balls and watching Nascar, but he probably is sitting at home, scratching his balls and watching Formula 1. The only difference here is the shape of the track... and the fact that your American guy's itchy balls probably smell better than that filthy Euro-trash.

Anyway... go read Susan's post. She mentions meatballs.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

See Ken Read

I'll be reading from The Subway Chronicles this Thursday at Book Court on Court Street in Cobble Hill. Be there.

What: Me. Reading. From Book.
When: Thursday, Sept. 7. 8 p.m.
Where: Book Court. 163 Court Street. Brooklyn, New York. Convenient to 2, 3, 4, 5, R and F Trains.